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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Heaven OR Hell ?

Tomorrow is the first day of my exam journey . The feeling of mine at this moment is relaxing . I don't know this feeling can happen on me ! Since my result not so good for the last two semesters , i supposed need to work harder and harder compared to other people , no game , no facebook-ing , no animation or no dreaming at there . However , i really feel relaxed on this second . Maybe , i think that i had done all my best to overcome these exam papers or in my deep mind , it says that " no need study hard anymore because you cant change anything although you had done these all things " . I am not sure which of there two thinking is dominating my mind now , but i really sure that i really not think that exam is a HELL to me , it may become a small step to me to enter the HEAVEN . This all things has its own possibility to occur .

For me , i think that i still can handle my own destiny .......

Let's go !!!!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009


I really feel tired about what had i done for this long time . If everyone i knew asked my help , i will help them with all my strength because they are my friends , my beloved family members or someone that i don't know them . I think that this is a compulsory job for me to do that since they asked for my help .

When i was standard 1 , i seldom get the love or something that relavant with this because i am the elder son in the family. The main role of my duty is to take care my brothers and do my thing in my effort . I still can remember the feeling when no ones will ask my feeling include my own parents because they need to take care their job and my little brothers . They never ask me about anything on me . This is bcause they think that i can handle it well due to i am the elder . At this situation , i can understand them .

However , i still have 1 people that really care on me , that is my grandfather . Every moment that i stay with him , i still recall back although it happenned when i was 5 years old at that time . For example , every time i went to his house , he sure will bring me to buy anything that i want or ask me anything include my academic result , my friend or anything . This make me felt warm and love . I really have a wonderfull memory on that moment . However , when i was standard 6 , my grandfather suddenly passed away .When i knew about it , i started to ask myself about why i don't spend my time with him . Everytime , my mum asked me to go my grandfather's house , i rejected her because i felt bored when i at there . I rather stay at home and play my Play station better than go there . I really hated me because i make a stupid mistake that make me felt regret and guity for my whole life .

After this thing happenned on me , i started to scare to lost anything from me . Hence , i will do all my best to retain my family relation , friendship or others . I started to put me in the second place in my heart , the first place always will be the person who i knew . This action last for about 10 years . I really felt tired and no more deermination to continue it now . I really want to stop it ....... let stop it for now ......

Good bye the old of me !!!!! Welcome the new of me !!!!!!





根據馬雅以上預言,我們生存的地球,已經是在第5個太陽紀,目前為止, 地球經已經歷了四個太陽紀,而在每一個紀結束的時候, 都會上演一幕又一幕驚心動魄的毀滅劇情。

第一個太陽紀是馬特拉克堤利 MATLACTIL ART,最後被一場洪水所纖滅, 另一個說法就是人所共知挪亞的洪水。

第二個太陽紀就是伊厄科特爾 Ehecatl,被風蛇吹得四散雕零,最後亦走上滅亡之路。

第三個太陽紀是扥雷奎雅維洛 Tleyquiyahuillo,則是因天降火而步向滅絕之路,這就是古代核子戰爭。

第四個太陽紀則是宗德里里克 Tzontlilic,也是被火雨肆虐,引發大地顛覆亦逃不過滅亡。

馬雅預言亦表示,從第一到第四個太陽紀的末期,地球同樣陷入空前大混亂之中,而且往往在一連串慘不忍賭的悲劇下滅亡,在地球滅絕之前,一定會先發出警告, 提醒人類。而馬雅預言的最後一章,大多數是年代的紀錄,而且這些年代紀錄尤如串連好一樣,全部都在第五太陽紀時宣告終結,因此,馬雅預言地球將在第五太陽 紀走向完全滅亡的結局。當第五太陽紀結束時,太陽將會消失,地球發生搖晃的大劇變,根據預言記錄,太陽紀亦只有五個循環,一但太陽經歷過5次死亡,地球便 會毀滅,而第五太陽紀始於紀元3113年,歷經馬雅大周期5125年後,迎向最終點。以現今西曆對照這個終結日子,將會是西元2012年12月22日的前 後。



能預知未來在西藏寺院裡並不是甚麼新鮮事,幾千年來,它一直是西藏文化的精神活動之一,而最近幾位從西藏寺院歸來的印度遊客,在當地瞭解到的信息,著實使 人震驚及引人入勝。這些遊客說,能預知未來的藏僧看到,目前世界正在進行自我毀滅,但他們同時也看到,世界並不會被毀壞。

西藏僧人說,從現在到2012年間,世界各個超級大國將繼續參與地方戰爭,恐怖主義和隱蔽的戰爭將會是主要問題。2010年左右,世界政治將發生某些變 化,各大國將威脅要互相毀壞。2010年到2012年間,全世界將變得極端化,並且為末日做準備,繁多的政治交涉亦不會有一點進展。2012年,世界將進 入一次全面破壞性的核戰爭,那時有一件卓越的事件將會發生。超自然的神力量將作出干預,所以世界將不會在那時自我毀滅。與此同時,僧人們還表示,2012 年後,人類將會明白,科學和技術最前瞻是在精神靈性區域,而並非物質的物理和化學。此後,技術將轉到另外一個方向發展。人們將學會精神的精華,同時也領悟 到身體與靈魂的關係、也明白輪迴和我們相互之間事實上存在聯繫並都是「上帝」的一部分。

如果以科學解釋僧人的預言,顯然有地球以外的力量在觀察著我們走的每一步,在2012年他們將會出現並拯救世界於自毀。僧人們更表示,在印度和中國發生的 不明飛行物(UFO)事件時,是神正在觀察著我們所有人,人類不能也不會被批准大幅度地改變未來。雖然每個人目前生活中的「業」(Karma)可能在某種 程度上改變其未來的生活,但要大幅度地改變未來是不可能和不被允許的。

在印度和中國,UFO出沒事件增加了好幾倍,許多人認為外星人與中國和印度政府都曾有接觸,近來UFO頻繁活動在那些致力發展核武器的國家上。他們將會以 不使我們驚嚇的形式顯露自己,他們只會在必需的情況下才會顯露自己。隨我們的科學技術進步,我們注定會看到並與他們接觸的。最後,僧侶表示地球是被保佑 的, 我們只是不知道而已,將來大家將意識到外力是如何拯救我們。



一群地理學家、天體物理學家和電腦科學家聯合進行研究,發現2012年地球和太陽的磁極將同時發生逆轉,而上一次發生同樣的事件是在數千萬年前恐龍滅亡的 年代。印度日報報導,海德拉巴德的一家公司內的研究人員預言2012年將發生磁極逆轉,意味著地球磁場的北極和南極發生對調,在這個過程中地球將經歷一段 沒有磁場的狀態。同樣的事情在人類歷史上並沒有記載,所以只能通過電腦模擬推測其影響。根據海德拉巴德模型,當地球和太陽的磁場在轉換,除了可以造成電力 失效和候鳥失去辨別方向的能力外,還有其他非常嚴重的後果,包括人類和所有動物的免疫系統將會明顯削弱,而地殼變動會有更頻繁的火山、更劇烈的地質構造運 動,造成地震和山體滑坡,還有磁場減弱宇宙射線以倍數激增,放射出來的污染會引發更多癌症出現。除了對地面造成影響,天空的小行星可能會更容易接近地球, 地球的重力場亦會發生變化。把以上樣樣加在一起,不難發現2012年地球文明將受到威脅,科學家還猜測類似的事件在遙遠的過去也曾在火星發生。




據報,這個名叫波力斯卡的男孩來自一個神秘的地方———火星,長途跋涉來到俄羅斯伏爾加格勒北部充滿神秘色彩的麥德韋德茨卡亞格裡亞達地區。江南時報報 道,當地一位目擊者透露,不久前,在一個寂靜夜深的晚上,野外營地的人在空地上圍著火堆聊天暢談,突然,年僅7歲的波力斯卡躬身站起大聲呼喚,引起在場人 士的注意,所有人都注目地看著他。目擊者繼說:「原來,他想要告訴大家火星上的生活,以及火星上的居民,飛往地球的傳奇經歷。」當時,現場陷入了一片沉 寂。更令人匪夷所思的是,這個男孩甚至繪聲繪色地提到人類古老傳說中,沉入印度洋海底的神秘大陸「利莫裡亞」,火星小男孩還稱,他從火星抵達地球時恰好在 那裡登陸,對那裡的生活瞭如指掌。

更驚人的發現,這個神秘男孩至少具有兩個與眾不同的特點。首先,他擁有異乎尋常的豐富知識,智力明顯高於一個普通7歲兒童的水平。「利莫裡亞」是至少80 萬年前傳說中的神秘國家,莫說是孩子,就連大學教授也並非人人都知道,而他卻能詳細地講述這個古老國家的歷史、文明及其居民的生活。第二點是,波力斯卡具 有令人刮目相看的語言表達能力,他精通各種專業術語,甚至熟悉火星和地球的歷史。另一位目擊者說:「我認為,這個孩子在與我們分享他前世的個人記憶,而並 非胡編亂造亂說一通。」

據報道,神秘的波力斯卡生於1996年1月11日,在俄羅斯沃爾茲斯基鎮一個偏遠的鄉村醫院出生。波力斯卡的父母看上去都是樸實、心地善良的普通人。他的 母親娜德茲達是一家公共醫院的皮膚科醫生,父親是一位退役軍官。娜德茲達回憶說,男孩出生15天後,竟然能自己抬起頭。更令人驚訝的是,他一歲半時就已經 能夠讀懂報紙上的大標題,2歲之後,波力斯卡已經有超常的記憶力,以及令人難以置信的掌握新知識能力。然而,他的父母很快便發現,孩子以一種獨特的方式— 從某個神秘的國度—獲取信息。

在娜德茲達的回憶裡,從來沒有人教過他那些東西,但他有時會侃侃而談那些不著邊際的事,最喜歡就是談論火星、行星系、遙遠的文明,令人難以置信。自從2歲 開始,男孩每天像唸經一樣談論宇宙、其他世界無窮無盡的故事和漫無邊際的天空。從那時起,波力斯卡不斷地對父母說,他以前生活在火星上,當時,火星是有人 居住的,由於發生了一場毀滅性的大災難,導致大氣層消失殆盡,因此,火星上的居民現在不得不生活在地下城裡。之後,他經常出於貿易和其他研究目的走訪地 球,而且他是獨自一人駕駛太空船呢。

波力斯卡透露,這一切都發生在利莫裡亞文明興盛的時期。那時候,他在利莫裡亞有一個好朋友,但這位朋友就死在他的眼前。「當時,地球上發生了一次大災難, 一片巨大的大陸被暴風雨般的海水吞沒。突然,有一塊巨大的岩石砸到一座建築上,我的朋友正好在那裡,我根本來不及去救他。」男孩生動地描述了利莫裡亞消失 的整個畫面,就像發生在昨天。

波力斯卡說,他們的太空船從火星起飛到登陸地球幾乎在瞬間完成,此外,他拿出一支粉筆在黑板上畫了一個圓形的物體。他說:「我們的太空船由6層構成,外層 佔25%,由堅固的金屬構成,第二層佔30%,由類似橡膠的物質構成,第三層佔30%,同樣金屬,至於最後一層只有4%,是由特殊的磁材料製成的。如果我 們給這個磁層充滿能量,那麼太空船可以任意飛往宇宙任何地方。」波力斯卡又表示,行星復興的時候正來臨了,更多的火星人會在地球上出生。地球上將會有大事 情發生,這些即將降生的火星人很重要,他們可以幫助地球人對付這些大災難。然後,他煞有介事地預測著,2009年地球上的一個大陸將要發生第一次大災難, 第二次更具毀滅性的災難將在2012年發生。

( Obtained from www.plus28.com)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Judgement day ....

This is the timetable of my Final Exam .... I will start to take the exam from the beginning of the exam week until the end of the exam week . It seem a hell for me ....

26/10: TDR I
28/10: TDR II
29/10: Bometry and Experimental Design
31/10: Kursus Pengurusan Persatuan I
03/11: Biochemstry ( disaster )
05/11: Microbial genetics ( not easy paper although 2 units only )
11/11: Biochemistry practical I
12/11: Computer application on science and Technology ( Never Understand it )

How is it ? it seem nice to all of you . However , for me , it look like disaster because all the tough subjects are put within a week time . It make me no time to read more ... So , i need to start now ..

Ganbateh ..

Sunday, October 4, 2009

国大中秋 - Pesta TingLung

I just went back From stage performance of Pesta Tinglung UKM . After finish watching the stage performance , i found that it gave me a lots of feelings and lessons . The feelings that i never think about at all for long time ago .

First at all , we need to love our own culture although we live at modern world now . The culture of our own races like Hokkien , Hakka or TeowChew need to be inherited from one generation to generation . If we don't do that , these cultures will be disappeared forever without any signs of leaving . As a result , we lose our own identity , our own root . Thus , what we need to do is to keep on remind the new generation to recognize their own culture . For example , the new generation supposed to learn to speak in Hakka , Hokkien and Teowchew and at the same time , they need to keep on practicing our culture in order to keep these all language still alive in our world .

On the other hand , we need to speak or do the correct thing in a correct time and situation . We cant neglect something in order to keep our face . There are some cases where if you don't make a correct decision like forgive people or tell people something , you would fell regret when that particular people is not available for you to do that . Hence , for those who quarrel with your family , friends or somebody else , please forgive each other by saying a word " sorry " . Then , it will make a huge change on your life or your future .

lastly , the communication method we using now need to be changed for our own benefit . For now days , the technology we have now make the communication method we used changed from a traditional way to a digital way . This make less contact among the people . Since the communnication is important for a socialize animal like us , therefore it will bring a lots problem to us . For example , there is less understanding between parents and children , there is some people can't express their own feeling to other people or there is a misunderstanding between different races in certain country . These all things come from the wrong communication method we used now . Hence , try to communicate with people face-to-face , talk with people by sharing experience or just send some regard to those people you seldom talk to them . This make a different .

Thus , these are some my feelings on this stage performance . Hope they can a better for next year ... Gambateh ....

Friday, October 2, 2009

MOon 月亮

Tomorrow is the moon cake festival . Almost all of my friends go to house to celebrate this festival with family . However , for me , i don't go back to my home although my house quite near from my Bangi house ( just half an hours journey ) . Hence , my friends always ask me the reason for this action . Then , i will tell them ," my family don't celebrate this festival for long time " . At this moment , i started to refresh back my memory when i was young ( my primary school period ) .

The reason for me to celebrate the moon cake festival because my grandfather . For your information , my grandfather really love me so much among all the grandson and grand-daughter he had . Hence , every time i went to my grand-father's house to celebrate moon cake festival , i really enjoy it . We all would sit together and chat for anything while we had the foods in front of us . We would light up the candle , burn the " Ting Long " , and walk around with friends . How a wonderful experience for me at that time .

However , this all things were gone when my grandfather passed away when i was Standard Six . All the celebration was stop and my family never celebrate it for the following years . Hence , i am not interested on this festival anymore . i just have an impression that this day is a day which i can eat moon cake only , then other thing seem no related with me .

But , these are my own opinion and feeling on MOON CAKE FESTIVAL . You all don't bother on it . So , for those who celebrate the moon cake festival , HAPPY MOON CAKE FESTIVAL to you all .